FORMED is an excellent online platform of Catholic resources for learning and formation for all ages. It is filled with over 4,000 Catholic studies, movies, audio dramas, talks, e-books, and even cartoons for our children. The parish currently...
Please join our Bible study held every Wednesday evening in the parish hall from 7:00 - 8:30 pm in continuing our journey through the Gospel of Matthew that begun last spring. We are using the videos and material from...
We invite all our parishioners to join us for a potluck Seniors luncheon which will be vegetarian only on Friday, March 21st between 11:00 am and 1:00 pm at the parish hall. Anyone willing to contribute anything...
Our Lenten Confession is on Friday, April 4, 2024 from 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm.
If you are unable to come for confession on the specified date please check here for confession dates and times in other parishes around...
Are you interested in learning more about our Catholic faith? Do you have questions or want to grow in your understanding of God, the history of the Church, prayer or social justice? Please consider joining us as we address these...
The Mustard Seed Ministry, the Parish Adult Faith Formation Program of St. Francis Xavier Church Mississauga, invites you to this great Bible Study on the Book of Prophet Jeremiah. 30 sessions & will be recorded.
The teaching will be led...
Do you seek to deepen your faith and explore the teachings of the Bible in a safe, relaxing and comfortable space? Then join us every Monday night at 7 p.m. to share insight and discuss the Bible with other...
God loves you and calls you by name... Today! Jesus promises the Holy Spirit: “… I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever.” (John 14:16...
Are you interested in learning more about different styles of prayer in the Catholic tradition? Perhaps you are looking to grow deeper in prayer during the season of Lent? Join us for a six-part series starting the week before...
This course, held annually in Rome at the Centro Pro Unione, initiates participants into the Catholic Church’s teaching on ecumenism and interreligious dialogue...
40 Days for Life campaign involves praying for 40 consecutive days near an abortion facility. In Toronto, our vigil is held in the parking lot of St. Charles Borromeo Church.
Our goal is to be a visible sign of support...
Join Sister Gill Goulding, CJ, for a series of engaging tea-time conversations this Lent, delving into the theological foundations of the 2023–24 Synod on Synodality and how we can carry forward the synodal journey beyond the October...
St. Mark’s Parish Lenten Mission "Pilgrims of Hope"Saturday, March 15 to Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Weekend MassesSaturday, March 15 at 5 p.m. & Sunday, March 16 at 9 and 11 a.m.
Weekday MassesMonday March 17...
The word meditation comes from the Latin word Meditatio which means “to remain in the centre.” The stillness of body and...
Join the Sisters of Life and the Office of Catholic Youth for an evening of prayer. Spend some time with Our Lord amidst your busy schedule with the source and summit of our faith – Jesus in the Eucharist. There...
March 21 – Stations of the Cross & Poverty LunchFrom the Table to the Cross - A Lenten Experience of Solidarity & PrayerCost: Free but donations are welcome!
Join us for an evening of faith, reflection and solidarity as we journey...
Prepare your heart for Easter with a time of reflection, prayer, and renewal. The Newman Centre’s Parish Lenten Retreat features special guest speaker Fr. Scott Birchall, Director of Philosophy Formation, Director of Pastoral Formation, and Director of Field...
The Institute of Theology at St. Augustine’s Seminary presents this Lenten Day of Retreat as part of its Spirit & Life Series for the 2024–2025 Academic Year.
Retreat Leader: Archbishop Emeritus Thomas Cardinal Collins
The Exodus...
The 17th Annual Dynamic Women of Faith full day conference held at the Old Mill in Toronto. Speakers and topics include:Father Marcin Serwin OMI - Being a Priest - Being a MidwifeAnnie Karto | Divine Mercy Flood My SoulDr. Stephanie Kafie | Totus...